#640. Stalker (1979, Andrei Tarkovsky)

Have I Seen It Before?: Yes

Thoughts Before Viewing: I absolutely love this film.  I actually watched it several times last year and it gets better on each viewing.  I'm sure this viewing will be no different.

Running Time: 162 minutes
Directed By: Andrei Tarkovksy
Written By: Arkadiy Strugatski, Boris Strugatskiy, Andrei Tarkovsky
Primary Cast: Alisa Freyndilikh, Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy, Anatoliy Solonitsyn

Summary: A guide leads two men through an area known as the Zone to find a room that grants wishes.

My Thoughts: This breaks the rules of traditional filmmaking in all of the best ways.  It's slow as molasses and hardly anything happens within its near 3 hour running time, yet it's such a rich and enlightening cinematic experience.

On this viewing, I particularly found myself focused on approaching this film with a childlike sense of wonder.  Tarkovsky himself once said that his films are meant to be approached with that mindset, which is where the magic of his films truly unravels.  Even though it's a big time slow-burner, it's endlessly fascinating getting lost into the mysticism.

Does It Belong In The Book?: Yes.  An incredibly deep and rich film.  There isn't really anything else like it.

My Rating: 9/10


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