#667. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg, 1981)

Have I Seen It Before?: Yes

Thoughts Before Viewing: Another big classic I've been needing to rewatch.  Haven't seen it in a few years.  Jaws (1975) put me in the mood for more classic Spielberg.

Running Time: 115 minutes
Directed By: Steven Spielberg
Written By: Lawrence Kasdan
Primary Cast: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman

Summary: Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the US government to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis. 

My Thoughts: I feel like a bit of a monster for not loving this film like most film buffs do.  Don't get me wrong, it's one of the best in the adventure genre and I completely understand the appeal.  It has an instantly iconic approach and that in itself is very fun to watch.  Most of the brilliance to me comes down to Harrison Ford's performance.  The man is simply one of the most naturally charismatic actors to grace the silver screen.  I think the reason why I don't consider it to be a personal favorite is because it's just that, a great adventure film.  It's a great film and I completely understand the appeal but I'm just not sure if I fully feel it the way most do.  It's more of a film I respect and admire than personally connect with.

Does It Belong In The Book?: Yes.  A heavily iconic and massively influential film.  Very prominent to pop culture. 

My Rating: 7/10


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