#407. Goldfinger (1964, Guy Hamilton)

Have I Seen It Before?: Yes

Thoughts Before Viewing: This looks like a blast.  I haven't seen this since I was 10.  I hardly remember a thing about it.

Running Time: 110 minutes
Directed By: Guy Hamilton
Written By: Richard Maibaum
Primary Cast: Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, Honor Blackman

Summary: Investigating a gold magnate's smuggling, James Bond uncovers a plot to contaminate the Fort Knox gold reserve.

My Thoughts: This was a pretty great time.  I'll confess that I've only seen a few James Bond films (pretty much only the Daniel Craig ones) but this is classic.  Sure it's not perfect by any means but it's one where you've just got to kick back and enjoy it for what it is.  For something that's been spoofed countless times, I was surprised at how funny much of this is (although I'm not sure how intended some of the humor was.) 

Does It Belong In The Book?: Yes.  Surely at least one James Bond film must make it.  It's the most iconic and talked about one.

My Rating: 7/10


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