#454. Playtime (1967, Jacques Tati)

Have I Seen It Before?: No

Thoughts Before Viewing: This is one that I've really been looking forward to seeing.  I've heard there is nothing like it.  I've been eager to explore more French New Wave so this is naturally one I'm stoked for.

Running Time: 124 minutes
Directed By: Jacques Tati
Written By: Jacques Tati
Primary Cast: Jacques Tati, Barbara Dennek, Rita Maiden

Summary: Monsieur Hulot curiously wanders around a high-tech Paris, paralleling a trip with a group of American tourists.  Meanwhile, a nightclub/restaurant prepares its opening night, but it's still under construction.

My Thoughts: Hmmm...I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one.  For the majority of the running time, I was just plain unsure where it was going.  On the other hand, I started to fall into its charm somewhere along the final half hour or so.  It has a very interesting vibe.  The world is absolutely intriguing.  It has a distinct one-of-a-kind flow that just left me unsure at first, primarily due to its detachment and lack of character development.  I probably should have familiarized myself with Jacques Tati's style a bit more before diving head first into it.

What I still need to take in is the humor.  I'll admit that so many of the visual gags and overall meaning went right over my head.   For now, I am unsure if I loved it or strongly appreciated it but I definitely want to give this another go at some point.

Edit: Okay, while I'm still taking it in, this does have a strong aftertaste.  Those final 30 minutes brought me a strong amount of joy that I simply cannot resist.  I can't wait to give this another go in the near future,

Does It Belong In The Book?: Yes.  Groundbreaking from a directorial stand point.  Very strong and unique imagery.  Also a massive influence on the Monty Python guys.

My Rating: 8/10


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