#437. Repulsion (1965, Roman Polanski)

Have I Seen It Before: Yes

Thoughts Before Viewing: This is one I've really been wanting to re-watch for a while.  I've only seen it once back in high school.

Running Time: 105 minutes
Directed By: Roman Polanski
Written By: Roman Polanski, Gerard Brach
Primary Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Fraser

Summary: A sex repulsed woman who disapproves of her sister's boyfriend sinks into depression and has horrific visions of rape and violence.

My Thoughts: Yikes did this viewing leave me feeling horrified.  There is something distinctly unnerving about Polanski's claustrophobic atmosphere.  It's anxiety inducing.  Absolutely brilliant execution.  I really love the offbeat camera angles and unique cinematography approach.  It gives the film a unique style.

Catherine Deneuve's performance is what truly elevates the film to brilliance.  It's of the greatest performances I've ever seen.  After being used to seeing her in Jacques Demy musicals lately, it's quite a shift in gear to see her play a disturbed character.  Shows her diversity.  I love how her character just seems like a social misfit at first but the layers of her madness gradually unfold as the film progresses.

Truly a disturbing and visceral exploration of madness.  Way ahead of its time.

Does It Belong In The Book?: Absolutely.  Groundbreaking in its use of sound and overall visceral approach towards the subject matter.  The blueprint for many directors including David Lynch and Darren Aronofsky.

My Rating: 9/10


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