#709. Paris, Texas (1984, Wim Winders)

Have I Seen It Before?: Yes

Thoughts Before Viewing: This is one of my all time favorite films.  I actually haven't seen it in a few years so I've really been in the mood for a re-watch.

Running Time: 145 minutes
Directed By: Wim Wenders
Written By: Sam Shepard
Primary Cast: Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski, Dean Stockwell

Summary: Travis Henderson, an aimless drifter who has been missing for four years, wanders out of the desert and must reconnect with society, himself, his life and his family.

My Thoughts: More than any previous viewing, this absolutely broke me.  It's one of the most honest and raw explorations of a defeated soul that I've ever seen.  While it does retain a hopeful tone of redemption, there were moments that absolutely ripped my soul out.  I can easily see how Kurt Cobain and Elliott Smith connected with this film.

I absolutely adore this film.  I can't get enough of its dreamy Americana atmosphere.  It's so rare to find a film with such strong cinematography and vibrant color schemes, yet with such a simple and emotionally compelling story.  Wim Winders directed this to perfection.  European directors seem to have such a fascinating eye for America.   Harry Dean Stanton was born to play Travis.  It's the only time he really played a leading role (at least that I know of) and he absolutely nails this existential character.

Does It Belong In The Book?: Absolutely.  A fantastic piece of existential cinema.

My Rating: 9/10


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