Magical Mystery Tour (1967, The Beatles)

As perfect of a psychedelic pop album as one could ask for. It's essentially Sgt. Peppers Part II. Even though it's technically more of a compilation album, it still flows as a strong album. One of my personal favorite Beatles records. So many of their greatest songs to be found here. 1. Magical Mystery Tour- ****1/2 A groovy way to start the album. Just love getting lost into this little jam. Think I love this one even more than the opener for Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. I especially love the piano outro. 2. The Fool On The Hill- ****1/2 An amazing McCartney song. Love its whimsical vibe. Especially that flute solo. 3. Flying- **** Even though it doesn't really stand out much, it's such a soothing little piece. This one has really grown on me lately. 4. Blue Jay Way- **** Probably my least favorite on the album but I still love it. Even though it isn't one of my favorite George Harrison songs...