#714 The Killing Fields (1984)

Have I Seen It Before?: No Thoughts Before Viewing: I honestly don't really know what to expect with this one. This is one of those titles I've always heard about yet never knew what it's about. I'm going into this one blind. Running Time: 141 minutes Directed By: Roland Joffe Written By: Bruce Robinson Primary Cast: Sam Waterston, Haing S. Ngor, John Malcovich Summary: Sydney Schangberg is a New York Times journalist covering the civil war in Cambodia with local journalist Dith Pran. Together, they cover the madness and tragedy of the war. As the American forces leave, Pran sends his family with them but decides to stay behind to help Schangberg cover the event. As the Khmer Rouge are moving in, Schangberg won't have any issues leaving (since he is American) but it's a different situation for Pran. My Thoughts: This was very good. Part of me was expecting something oscar bait but it really isn't ...